TikTok Engagement Rate Calculator

TikTok Engagement Rate Calculator allows you to calculate engagement rate for any TikTok influencer account

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What is Engagement Rate (ER)?

Engagement rate or ER is a popular metric to gauge how engaged a TikTok influencer's followers are. A high engagement rate indicates that the influencer receives more interactions from their audience. On the other hand, an account with a low engagement rate means that their content does not attract their followers or that their follower base isn't organic.

Why should I calculate the Engagement Rate for a TikTok influencer?

If you are a creator/influencer, Engagement Rate tells you how well you are doing to your fan base. You can even calculate the Engagement Rate of other influencers to understand what content performs better.

If you an advertiser or marketing agency, Engagement Rate is a good indicator of a TikTok influencer’s audience engagement level. When choosing an influencer for a marketing campaign, it's crucial to not only look at the follower count but also the engagement rate.

How is the Engagement Rate calculated?

The engagement rate of a TikTok profile is typically calculated based on the engagement activity of the account's recent posts and follower base.

Engagement Rate (ER) = (Average Likes + Average Comments + Average Shares) / Follower Counts

We calculate the average metrics above based on the last 30 posts of the account. Each post can have a very different engagement rate, so it's important to measure multiple video posts.